The provision of goods and services by Origin Coffee Roasting PTY (LTD), trading as Origin Coffee Roasting, Truth Coffee Roasting, and Tribe Coffee, is subject to availability. In cases of unavailability, Origin Coffee Roasting will refund the client in full within 30 days or supply an alternative product which is acceptable to the customer who will pay any incremental cost or be refunded the difference.
As a perishable product, Origin Coffee Roasting does not accept returns of roasted coffee. Coffee, like wine, is a product where people’s different tastes can come into play.
We are always available to advise you by phone or email, and we also suggest you first buy smaller quantities of any new coffee before purchasing it in larger quantities. Over our decades in trade, we have rarely had a roasting quality issue. If you feel there is a genuine quality problem with any coffee you receive, please contact us and we commit to engage with you constructively to resolve the matter. We want you to be happy with our coffee, to buy it regularly, and to recommend shopping with us to your friends and family.
Equipment can be returned for a full refund within 30 days if it is unused and returned in its original packaging.
All equipment sold on this site comes with the full manufacturer’s warranty which is carried by the South African importer. Warranty periods are stipulated on the product pages and can also be found in the literature supplied with the equipment. Please contact us with any warranty issues, and include a copy of your invoice so we can identify the purchase date. All warranty issues will be handled by the product’s South African importer according to their policies.
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