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Rwanda Rugali Anaerobic


blueberry, marzipan, lemon tea, candied fruit, peach

Regular price R 280.00

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Nyamasheke District


1450 - 1600 masl


Blueberry, marzipan, lemon tea, candied fruit, peach


Meduim round


Cranberry juice


Light / medium


V60, Aeropress, Espresso


Red Bourbon


Anaerobic / natural


Smallholder farmers processed at Muraho`s Rugali washing station

Muraho Trading Company (MTCo.) is the brainchild of two brothers who were raised to call Rwanda home. They are driven to showcase to the world what Rwanda's speciality coffee is all about. However, not only the coffee but more importantly the people and country that have given us so much. Rwanda has come very far from the horrific genocide against the Tutsi that
took place in 1994 to the striving country it is today. This unbelievable turnaround is a huge credit
to the Rwandese people and signifies the true meaning of HOPE to the rest of the world.

The Process

ANOXIC PROCESS - Once cherries are received, they are hand-picked and floated to ensure only those of the best quality continue to the processing stage. These cherries are placed into a deep-cleaned fermentation tank. A sheet is then placed over the cherries, which is then submerged in cool water.

The seal created by the water pressing onto the sheeting creates a vacuum effect on the coffee below, creating an anoxic environment for fermentation to begin, which lasts for 48 hours. The water and sheet act as not only a sealant but a heat exchange, allowing the heat build-up to transfer to the water, which evaporates away. A stabilised temperature of around 25 degrees Celsius ensures that the cherry doesn’t over ferment. This temperature is regularly monitored, and if it falls too low for fermentation to continue, hot water is added to the water pillow, to provide warmth to the fermenting coffee underneath.
Once the fermentation is complete, the water is drained, and the sheet is removed. The fermented coffee is rinsed and drained of all residual liquid.

To continue into the natural processing phase, coffee is dried in cherry on raised beds for
between 4 to 5 weeks. The raised beds ensure optimum circulation of airflow, assisted by the cherry being turned every 30 minutes for the duration of its drying.

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