Coffee brewing theory: After the workshop
Understanding coffee brewing from all facets can be quite convoluted for some at times. Some people prefer to keep it simple. Understandably so, considering coffees history and consequent evolution over the last few years. So in an attempt to speed up Cape Town’s ‘coffee-logic’, I decided to go a little further down the rabbit hole […]
After the workshop: a description of coffee varieties.
After the workshop: a description of coffee varieties. To date- there are 125 species of coffee. Specialty coffee roasters use only one – Arabica. It’s the most genetically superior species available- and because of this will have a much higher level of quality, complexity and flavour. Arabica consists of many varieties grown globally mostly between […]
Chemex vs Hario V60 - Pour Over showdown
I’m fond of pour over extractions. Hario V60 pour overs in particular. But that’s just me. You’ll have to read on to get the reasoning behind my seemingly biased opinion. I’m going to forgot about talking about the materials, brewing recipes, history, etc and just get to the point. Why are these two brewers different? […]
Understanding Coffee Aroma : after the workshop.
One of the best ways to start to understand the complexity in coffee is to start to interpret aroma compounds. This workshop was divided into three segments. A calibration using an assortment of spices, herbs, nuts etc. in sniffer jars. A presentation on what Coffee aroma is, how it is formed, and a quick look […]
Understanding coffee acidity - after the workshop
I don’t think there is a better way to get to understand coffee acidity than to taste fruits( and other foods) that contain the same acids prominent in most high grade specialty coffees. This workshop was divided into 4 segments with a total duration of 1 hour. We had a full house with this one- […]