Vacuum-brewing system first used by German scientists around 1830 and first patented by a French inventor twenty years later. Mastered by the Taiwanese.
Enjoy this downloadable PDF overview of how to make a perfect Aeropress with your coffee. You can also have a look at our visual guide, and if you want to gain a deeper understanding of the brew method, click here.
Resulting brew: good balance between body, aroma and acidity
Body: medium
Acidity: medium
Effort: high
Grind: medium — fine
Best with: complex or balanced coffees, e.g. Africa and Central America
Our single origin coffees are all packed into 250g bags straight from the roaster. For optimal freshness, if you select 1kg of a single-origin coffee, it will be shipped as 4x250g bags.
Our blends and decaf are packed into both 250g and 1kg bags.
Vacuum brewers were originally designed to pull water through much finer ground coffee by using the force of vacuum in the final phase of the brewing process.
It was believed in those days that finer ground coffee produced a tastier cup. It must be noted that finely-ground coffee increases flow restriction and thus requires additional aid to achieve the optimal brew time and extraction efficacy. Coarsely ground coffee will work too, but you won’t be getting the most out of your siphon. The occurrence of washout kinetics works best with coffee that’s ground in the finer spectrum. Washout Kinetics – the technical term for what pressurized water does as it passes through and around coffee- forces more insoluble material off the coffee particles and ends up in the cup. In the situation where the classic cloth filter is used (the one you get when you purchase a siphon), it will allow a portion of the oils into the bottom chamber and prevent fine particles from going through.
What you get is the positive attributes of the oils in the coffee – heightened body and aroma level, without the negative inputs of the bean fiber- the possibility to over-extract, reduce clarity, and negatively affect mouthfeel.
Note- the oils in coffee have a similar fatty acid profile to that of butter and cottonseed oil. As you can imagine, this undoubtedly contributes to the textural quality of your brew.
Cotton filters are the best but need to be kept incredibly clean. Superfine metal mesh filters are good too (much easier to clean) but microscopic fines still find their way into the bottom chamber (over-extracting and creating astringency in the cup). This is visually noticeable. I don’t believe the metal filter does justice to Siphon brewing, although – the metal filter housing is able to hold an Aeropress filter. Paper filtered Siphons can be super interesting, especially with acidic coffees – Central and East African washed coffees come to mind.
If you’re interested in experimenting with a stainless steel filter for your Siphon- check out Cape Coffee Beans
citrus fruit - lemon cake - winey
grapefruit - red apple - butterscotch - honeybush tea - marmalade
watermelon - cherry - walnut - plum - biscuit - black tea - subtle notes of berries