Rwanda Kinini

blood orange – passionfruit – caramel – fig – soft, sweet, read apple acidity


Our single origin coffees are all packed into 250g bags straight from the roaster. For optimal freshness, if you select 1kg of a single-origin coffee, it will be shipped as 4x250g bags. Our blends and decaf are packed into both 250g and 1kg bags.

The grind size you select affects the extraction of your coffee. Unlike when purchasing pre-ground, we give you a wide range of choices to optimize the flavour of your coffee. Please select the brewing method you use and we will grind at the best setting for it. If you want more information reach out to us on our Live Chat for assistance.

Washing Station Kinini
District Rulindo
Altitude 2,000+ masl
Varietals Bourbon, BM139, BM71, Jackson
Processes natural
Harvest April – October

Flavours  blood orange, passionfruit, caramel, yellow peach, figs
Body  medium
Acidity balanced soft red apple malic acidity
Roast  medium
Suggested Brewing versatile. siphon, Aeropress, v60, plunger, espresso, milk-based espresso

Our single origin coffees are all packed into 250g bags straight from the roaster. For optimal freshness, if you select 1kg of a single-origin coffee, it will be shipped as 4x250g bags.  
Our blends and decaf are packed into both 250g and 1kg bags. 

*10% of funds Kinini receives for the sale of their coffee go to supporting a health centre
and school.

Rwanda Kinini Washing Station

Location & Growing Conditions

In 2012, 38 of the 252 hectares in the Northern Province of Rwanda were planted with Bourbon Mayaguez 139 seedlings, 2,000-2,500 in each hectare. This totaled nearly half a million new trees and access to nurseries and the supply of new trees continues.

This regeneration was led by Jacquie Turner and Malcolm Clear. Not just limited to new trees, new roads were built to improve access for the many farmers that have to deliver their days picking to the washing station by 4 pm to maintain quality.

Coffee is de-pulped on a 4-disc McKinnon pulper, there are several tanks for fermentation
both with and without water, leading to channels to both the soaking tanks and then down to the drying beds.

Each raised bed comes with its own marker to ensure micro-lot traceability and yellow tarpaulin for quick covering in case of rain.

The Improvements now encompass a roasting facility, covered with a donation from our Full Circle event, the introduction of natural and other processing methods in 2019, and more recently a worm bed for turning the coffee cherry into organic fertiliser. There are plans for space to welcome visitors and provide somewhere to stay when visiting.

Satellite technology is used to monitor leaf glare from the trees -any changes can be a sign of disease or infestation and early detection pays dividends when it comes to clean cups and good green.